Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Frost Warning

The logistics of it all seemed odd. So much going on. But the crisp open space, was all to inviting. Would it be better. I think so.

Things seem to have normalized. It all seems straight forward now.

I wish the fall was more fall like though. It seems to be wrapped up in rain. And that is part of the season. But it seemed to jump me in the dark.

The routine is here, and I think that's good. Now planning must begin. Where to next. What's up next.

Ask yourself as you work through the day, "what is my next step?". Planning and plotting. Chess not checkers.

But then the cold hit you in the face, and you stop and realize the steps don't matter, you ask yourself what does.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


She walks along the cold street. Finding her way. Into the distance she clings to my mind.

I see her window from far away. The drawings she scribbles drives me to the same.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Speaking of interruption of routine. Sometimes something can come along that changes everything. The bigger mystery is the effect it has on you, and you never expected it would. I mean even if you imagined the possibility, which I didn't, you wouldn't think it would change your outlook like it has.

One change makes me happy.
One change makes me calm.
One change brings me a future.
One change I had nothing to do with.

Destiny comes in to play. No control, no involvement. People playing and I'm the ball. But it's all good, it's alright.

And you no it's good when Alice doesn't show her face and the sky is clear.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Breaks in time

I find programming myself for day to day routines comes all too easy. I feed in routines. I fall in grooves. They're new, not the same. I create them wherever I go.

Time continues.

But then there's a disruption. An immediate and defining break. All routines erased. Not set program to fall back on.

This break in time gives me the ability to resurrect the ones I choose. We all pick up on routines, it's nice to modify them at times. Not that they will change things but it just brings different perspectives.

Interrupt obsessions of all kinds.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

And the leaves burn in the cold

Something I wrote days before but my description haunts me as the same tree burns everyday, before my eyes.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Spinning and Egypt takes its turn. Never, it never happens. The confusion of the day adheres to my brain. The sweat slowly takes it away.

No time, no time to consider. Too busy to care. Too busy to bother. Good for me.

The crazy car stumbles, as Alice dies her death. But looking in a mirror she appears - changed. Not the same.

Loud I am, and kindness abounds. Respect follows, and he will die.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The fog in my brain

Today, as fall moves in, I am lost and I love it. Drifting through the day drive, but not obsessed. Missing the movie, overcoming technology.

The fog is wonderful. I could live like this forever. Time has no hold on me, as I drift farther and farther.

The leaves that burn call me home and I am well. Catch up, clean up.

Losing a friend, someone I don't even know, I am sad. A connection in my head, the risk of it ending. I wish him well, but hope that technology is just another cruel gremlin OR has he erased the last few months from the record that is no record. There is no writing in stone - no more.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The discussion

> Well, tell me. Did you do it?
< Well, ya I know I'm really not going to discuss this with you right now.
> Well then you did, right. I mean why else wouldn't you want to discuss it.
< Look, I'm just not going to...
> please, your such a slag
< f you.
> I'm totally shocked. This is some crazy ass side of you I've never seen. Who Are You?
< Thanks
> I'm leaving. I can't deal with this anymore. Either dish or let's go, I have things to do.
< But
> What?
< Wel
> Yeah
< See
> Go on
< Here we go, I told you I don't want to discuss this.
> Let's leave. This place is over. and I'm done.
< I'm not.
> Just take the coat and let's go. I'll watch the door.
< Got it.
> And yeah better tell me about what's going on between you two, or I'm gonna smack ya. Wait, duck.
< Shhh.
> Go, Go.
< Keys, keys... got 'em
> Just drive. Well this worked out well. But we need to continue our conversation later.
< yeah... no.

Monday, October 03, 2005


It cleans. That's what it does. Erasing my mind. The etchings stay. Forever having an affect on me. The aren't obvious and maybe the memories don't even exist. Jet Dry doesn't help. They are here.

Like a spider connecting to everything I reach out. Clearing my mind, I reach out. All gone when out of no where I feel the web on my face.

Don't respond I say. Fear. Back away. Clean it. Wash it.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Perfect timing

I was just driving, the route I always go. I never saw her before. Never.

She stood in the middle of the yard just looking forward. Looking at no one, at nothing. Her silver gray hair, black attire, and blank stare. She summed up how I felt. The weeds grew around her, but the whole time she never moved. I was amazed. She was alone, dark, in desolation. Not looking forward to anything. Just standing as the cars rushed by.

Huddled between a bunch of boxes was a boy. He wanted to be lost and so did I. Something was upsetting him and I wondered if his parents knew or cared where he was. He needed attention. He was hiding for a reason. That was me once and still is. It was just a second, a quick walk by and a glance.

30 days

It was hot today, just feeling confined. Boca Bitch that was the word of the day. For some reason it made me feel good. Boca Bitch. And not because I knew the person but because it made me happy he was so angry about someone. Misery for him not caused by me or her, but by himself.

We cause all of our own.

She smiles and laughs and I see the connection between us.

Loud, from every corner, it was fun,

Sleep is here.