Tuesday, October 25, 2005



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chaz! Just watched the trailer and Mirrormask *does* look incredible--I had no idea it was by Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean. They're the author/illustrator of the Sandman comics and I met Gaiman at a booksigning in NYC! Now I'm just praying it comes to SW VA...

7:35 AM  
Blogger happykat said...

Chaz!!! come back

5:06 PM  
Blogger happykat said...

There once was a man who had the most interesting blog. Then he quit posting and the rapture began. Mighty plagues ravaged the earth and Alice could do nothing but look on. It wasn't unitl this man, whom shall hence forth be called Chaz, began posting again that all was right with the world.

3:39 PM  

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