Friday, April 28, 2006

splitting headache

I wake up in a rage. My heart racing, my head splitting from pain and only one word in my head. I have to get out of here.


Working backwards the last thing I recall is sitting in almost a classroom, as it appears like we are treated like children these days. Being called out that I was not following dress code policy. Of course I was never told by my manager but what else is new.

Someone's laptop battery was only at 30% and I was going to share some battery saving tips but didn't.

After the meeting I immediately went into my bedroom which was right next door. Maybe because these days I feel like I live at work these days (and why I haven't blogged). I look at my closet to exchange my jeans for the ugliest pair of dress pants I had. I found some brown pants with two large stripes of white fabric going down the outside seem. The white fabric had a green and gold diagonally stripped pattern. This will do I thought. I put that on with a shirt that didn't match. There I'll show them by being visually obnoxious. Better than jeans I don't think so.

Afterwards I was complaining to my old boss. Wishing I had never step foot in this evil empire which seemed to march forward in the last 2 months coming from nowhere. I proclaimed my dissatisfaction, and she agreed. Professionally what was happening didn't support my goals. They were setting traps for everyone, everywhere. If I can make it through one year, financially it was well worth it. It was hard to argue with the numbers, no one could. Can I hold out.

She warned me not to make trouble, that the empire could come down at any moment, throw you to the bottom month after month and make you disappear. I asked her what to do, she just told me one name. I wondered who this person was. A rebel in the corporation? A resistance leader? Opposition to the technology regime?

Almost in tears over the stress of it all I took another look in the mirror, and what I was wearing did look ugly. There was no way I could wear what I had on, just for my personal self-respect, screw the empire. What else did I have. I decided white shirts everyday. It would just make things easier.

I awoke.

What was the plan... the next chess move? It has to be big, broad. My boss, and their boss are just cogs in the wheel. The solution. Use there own model against them. Take that to leader and show her that I don't belong. Use her to get me out unharmed. Use the leader to save myself. Keep you friends close, your enemies closer. It could work. I could get out, although the result may be just as bad, after all I would still be in the empire. But it's an option... In case of emergency - break glass.

Next steps. Keep the plan ready to execute at any time. Plant the seeds with key people to execute when ready, so everyone is onboard in advance - or just quit.

As I recall an earlier dream, driving my car - suddenly turning out of control and driving it into the bay. Perhaps a sign of my feeling of having no control at work. I was ok, though the police officer still felt the need to ticket me even though I almost died.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to see the new entry--I've been checking--but crazy stressful dream! We definitely need to chat soon... about dreams, reality, and also lighter things like 80s nostalgia! Miss you.

2:48 PM  
Blogger happykat said...

he's back!

12:37 PM  

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