Sunday, September 25, 2005


Finding this. I wonder if anyone will. What would they think. Not typical drama, not events, not excitement. No groups for me, no grouping.


Just trying to think about peoples lives. How different it all is. Obsessions.

Obsessions that are good and bad. Can they be? If someone obsessed about something that has positive outcomes is that ok? I mean let's say someone obsessed about begin healthy, is it just some other type of avoidance. Just as if someone drank to much. And then too do people do things for themselves or just to be needed, wanted, which I guess is for themselves in a way. Right?

I have obsessions, they tend to go in waves. 3 to 6 months. Maybe more, maybe less. Some have been good, others bad. I like obsessions that are productive. Those are helpful.

But people sometimes do things for the wrong reasons some time. Vanity and pride are good examples.

People can obsess over these. And sure they can have some good side effects. Having appearances on the outside. But are they, are these people I want to know. No.

Living a singular life. No compromise. Sometime selfish. So.


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