Saturday, February 11, 2006


If the zombi fashion show wasn't enough.

Walking up from a bad dream, a real nightmare sets the tone.

The issue is the reality, if it was just a nightmare that would be fine, but when it makes contact with reality, that's the killer.

Sitting with you, all day?

Try again.

Monday, February 06, 2006


I look and it was clear.

I look and one word drops from the heavens, pits the ground against the dirt.

The cold chill rolls in and I can not decide.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I sit and the wallet

Time to go, waiting for a few.

I reflect on the missing wallet. Not mine but an interesting journey. Sitting there waiting to be found. Months and months go buy and nothing, never. Seen all the time but never seen. The owner given up. Almost a time capsule. Traveling back months and months. Your wallet is a time tracker and when it's lost it's like your life was frozen in time. That life stopped and another began. It captures everything up until the point it left you. Much the way a PC might, but the wallet is so much more tangible, not just data. It's that crumpled up receipt from that last purchase or perhaps some items that travels with you where ever you go. And it does go with me everywhere, the only item that does.

So I see this man happy to retrieve something so valuable, something that was about three inches thick! But at the same time it really didn't matter to him. The wallet was in the past. It didn't capture where he was now, he moved on.

I sit and finally have a chance to make a note of this story so I don't leave it behind.